1462 days of Trump

a 4 year CALENDAR

No matter your opinion of Donald Trump, he is set to sit in office for the next 4 years. It may not seem that long until you see that amount of time in days, 1462 to be exact. No matter who it is, a lot can go wrong in 1462 days. 

The calendar runs from January 20th, 2017-January 20th, 2021, all of the days Trump will hold office. The poster is available for purchase at the bottom of the page.

I wanted to create this poster to remind people daily that he’s in control and to also give them a minimal therapy session as they mark off each day that passes. After speaking with friends and family I found that Trump supporters view the poster in a positive light, for them it is a symbol of pride and celebration. As I attempt to write about the project in an unbiased manner I realize that no one is going to throw in the towel and as I wake up in the coming mornings I will be reminded of greatness and failure and be driven to use my freedom to inspire the change I wish to see in our world. 

Featured on Design Taxi and underconsideration- quipsologies

From Feb 6th - Feb 14th 50% of sales go to Planned Parenthood.

Any Questions or comments?